(06) 566 6660
Type of Ownership Corporation / Sole Proprietor / Limited Liability Company / Other
(Please be aware that when purchasing an existing store, substantial investment may be required to bring it up to standard.)
I hereby confirm that the information i have given is to the best of my knowloedge true and correct. I also give my consent to Spris Artisan Pizza to contact any person named in this form in connection with my interest in a MAMA’S TENDERS Franchise and to carry out reasonable checks on my finances and other matters
please note that this Application Form is regarded as confidential information and will be applied only in relation to the assessment of you as a potential business partner.
We will be contacting you shortly with our response.
CONTACT US Amman, Jordan. P : (00962) 6 554 8333 E : info@mamastenders.com w : www.mamastenders.com
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